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Posted by Mark Faherty on 22:05:53 01/19/07
Did some more camping in Big Cypress this week to conduct pineland bird surveys, and the highlights were SEVEN species of woodpecker (including Red-cockaded, Hairy, Sapsucker, etc. - oddly, Pileated was the least common), a displaying Woodcock in the campsite each morning and evening, nice daytime looks at a sleepy, knee-high Whip-poor-will, and creeping up on and watching a Wild Turkey calling from the edge of a cypress dome, answering a distant gobbler. Plus a couple of Hermit Thrushes in addition to the expected Brown-headed Nuthatches, Eastern Bluebirds, and Tufted Titmice.
Maybe I'll see some of you at the Southwest Florida Birding Festival. I'll be the one who looks like he's been camping all week and is cursing under his breath because his scope is back in Homestead. Don't worry, I'm generally harmless.
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