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Posted by Abby on 19:25:12 01/03/07
After participating in the Coot Bay CBC on Dec. 30, I worked my way up the east coast, birding along the way. Sorry for the late post, but it's a long drive back to NW Arkansas... here are the highlights of my trip:
Anhinga Trail: Purple Gallinule, King Rail, Least Bittern, Barn and Barred Owls
Long Pine Key Campground: Brown-headed Nuthatch, Eastern Screech Owl
Wakodahatchee Wetlands: Least Bittern, Sora, Limpkin
Viera Wetlands: American Bittern, Limpkin, American Pipit, Ring-necked Duck, NO masked duck...
Merritt Island: Clapper Rail, Prairie Warbler, Northern Gannet (20+ quite close to shore), Lesser Black-backed Gull, Roseate Spoonbill
Nice way to kick off the new year!
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