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Posted by Mark Faherty on 23:10:50 01/01/07
The highlights from a couple days of bird surveys in western Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge were: almost all the woodpeckers of south Florida (several Hairy, Downy, Flicker, Red-bellied, Sapsucker, Pileated), at least seven American Woodcock flushed on evening drives (one posed nicely in the headlights for a while), and lots of Cedar Waxwings and a few Goldfinches mixed in with the Robins.
Highlights from bird surveys in some slightly sketchy Miami-Dade County owned pinelands in Homestead and Florida City yesterday included one Hermit Thrush, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Blue-headed Vireo, Red-tailed Hawk, Short-tailed Hawk, a few Cave Swallows (looked pale), and, lepidopterally speaking, several Bartram's Hairstreaks taking advantage of the abundant Pineland Croton plants at an unassuming little pineland patch in Florida City.
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