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Posted by Christi Carmichael on 15:23:54 09/02/06
Hi all - Thought you might be interested in what was sighted this am. There were hundreds of shorebirds around Flamingo after the recent storm. The numbers are much lower now but there are still many. Most of them are down in the walk-in tent sights in the Campground (they like the mud from the dredging) and along the shoreline by the old Amphitheatre. A scope would be very beneficial if you do come down. The warblers listed were seen at the entrance to the Snake Bight Trail (about 100 yds in). Here are some highlights from today:
-Black-bellied Plovers
-Semi-palmated Plovers
-Wilsons Plovers
-Ruddy Turnstones
-many peeps (mostly Least Sandpipers but we did find some Westerns and a few Semi-palmated mixed in)
-Gull-billed Terns
-1 Gray Kingbird
-several Eastern Kingbirds
-Glossy Ibis
-Bald Eagle
-Barn and some Bank Swallows
-*Kentucky Warbler was my highlight today!
-Black & White Warbler
-Prothonotory Warbler
-Worm-eating Warbler
-Prairie Warbler
-Yellow Warbler (beautiful male down by the cottages)
-heard Pig Frogs around Snake Bight Trail entrance
-14 cars without trailers
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