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Posted by Robin Diaz on August 26, 2002 at 12:18:26:

Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park on Key Biscayne has been quiet the past several days, but there are signs of migration. There are consistently 4-5 warbler species; best being Northern Waterthrush. Yesterday there were 2 empids and a (probable) Eastern Wood-Pewee that took off with 8 Eastern Kingbirds over the water.

There was a very large swallow movement yesterday from 8:30-11 AM, with waves of ~30 birds. The majority was small, light-rumped swallows, with several Northern Rough-wingeds and some Barns. I was able to pick out 2 crisp Bank Swallows and definite Cliffs from my balcony. There were few swallows this morning, the majority being Barns.

Orchard Oriole female was at the southern end of the park and 3 (FOS) Bobolinks circled fairly low before heading south. I later heard more Bobolinks, but they were flying much higher.

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