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Posted by Paddy Cunningham on 16:25:14 05/03/15
Audubon of the Everglade, 20 others from SFAS and John and Ann from Tropical Audubon came on the walk. So we had an Audubon trifecta on Derby Day. The "golden bird" of the day had to be Yellow-billed Cuckoo. We had one fly over and spend good time relocating it in the Seagrapes. But then we were blessed with an amazing look at one sitting right out in the open in the parking lot for all to see this elusive bird. There were good numbers of Ovenbirds walking along the trails and beautiful American Redstarts tumbling and displaying, fanning their tail. The most uncommon warbler was a Wormeating and we also had Cape May, Blackpoll, Black and White and lots of Black-throated Blues. Black-whiskered Vireo has been seen on this trip 3 years in a row along the same trail. At Evergreen Cemetery some of the same warblers, Red-eyed Vireo and a brief look at a Copper Hawk.
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