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Posted by Colin Hughes on 19:12:21 04/21/15
What a difference a day makes! Spurred by the post (below) from John and Russ, I went out to Evergreen in the late afternoon. Initially it seemed pretty quiet, but the soft rain, and presence of a couple of juvenile Coopers were the main reasons. A clap of thunder right overhead showed the truth: the trees were stuffed with warblers; at least 50 took to the wing, as startled as I was apparently.
I ended up seeing these species, a few of some, lots of others, unless noted.
Northern Parula, Magnolia (1), Cape May, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, Palm, Prairie, Blackpoll, Black and White, American Redstart, Worm eating, Common Yellowthroat, Northern Waterthrush (1), Louisiana Waterthrush (1), and Ovenbird. They were all still active when I left at 7, and I was warned that the gates were being locked, so I think there is a good chance for good birding there tomorrow morning. Thanks John and Russ; after such a slow day yesterday I wouldn't have gone out unless I had read your post
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