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Posted by Bruce P on 11:36:46 03/21/15
Happy Spring! There was a surprise appearance yesterday of a juvenile Great Horned Owl. Having told everybody who asked that the Owls didn't appear to have nested this year, I'm pleased to have been proven wrong.
There were more than 200 Cedar Waxwings this morning, more than double yesterday's numbers. Look for them in the tall Cypress trees along the right side of the boardwalk from the bench area to the gazebo.
Significantly more warblers in the past few days. Mostly Palms, but also lots of Prairie, a few BT Blue and N. Parulas. There was also a really nice YT Vireo foraging in the shrubs right along the boardwalk.
All 5 woodpeckers this morning! (Pileated, Red-bellied, YB Sapsucker, N. Flicker and Downy).
Nandays are now pretty reliable most mornings in the snags beyond the pines gazebo. If you're lucky, you'll get to see them go after one of the owls if it gets too close.
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