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Posted by Robin Diaz on 17:38:40 03/01/15
Today (3/1) Maria, Nico and I covered the L-31W road and had good birds, including 2 (continuing) Tropical Kingbirds, Blue Grosbeaks, Western Kingbirds, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers, Grasshopper Sparrows and both buntings. At one stop, I thought I heard a Least Flycatcher but it didn't come out.
Another stop yielded 3 different male Dickcissels with varying amounts of yellow and a black "V." The bird that Corey Callaghan photographed on 21 February is even different from these three.
It was windy by the time we reached the second water control structure. The Vermilion flycatcher was present but very uncooperative.
We also had a Rangel Diaz sighting!
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