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Posted by Carlos Sanchez on 14:57:41 02/25/15
The Hainlin Mill Drive (SW 216th St), accessed via the East Everglades entrance to Everglades National Park, was very active this morning. Mixed flocks of Indigo and Painted Buntings were feeding right along the roadside, along with Savannah (many), Grasshopper (many), Clay-colored (2), Swamp (many), Lincoln's (2), and White-crowned Sparrow (3). Now is a good time to start checking such flocks for Dickcissel, Blue Grosbeak, and maybe even Lazuli Bunting.
At one point, I had Savannah, Grasshopper, Swamp, and Clay-colored Sparrow feeding in the same binocular view!
I also had a Least Flycatcher, previously reported by Robin Diaz, at the four-way intersection with SW 232nd Street.
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