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Posted by Chris on 09:33:57 01/24/15
Hi! I went birding at the SWA greenway trails in Northern Palm Beach. I went to the Rookery Trail, and noted that it was nearly impossible to actually view the rookeries. There is a nigh impenetrable wall of thick trees and scrub surrounding the trail, completely cutting off viewing except in a few small spots which little could be viewed from. There were some observational towers, but they were locked off. There were MANY birds flying overhead, but they were impossible to see for more than a moment, due to the high green wall on both sides of the trail.
Has anyone had much success here? Do they ever open up the towers for use? Are there tours or something they have here? I also noted that hte rookery trail closes February and reopens October....
Birds I saw:
Sandhill Crane Pair
Eastern Phoebe 1
Great White Egret 1
Blue Grey GnatCatcher (heard)
Black and Turkey Vultures - innumerable (over landfill)
Gulls - very many, seemed to be mostly ringbilled, but I did not get too close as they were mostly quite far away. (also mainly over landfill)
Red Shouldered Hawk: 1
Osprey: 1
Glossy Ibis: 8
Flying Around Rookery:
White Ibis: About 200
Cattle Egrets: 25ish
Wood Storks: 15ish
Roseate Spoonbills: 6
Many of the birds have estimates because they were flying back and forth or sticking, and, since I could not really see the rookery, impossible to determine if repeat flights by same individual.
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