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Posted by Larry Manfredi on 09:10:22 03/13/06
In Reply to: Yellow-headed Blackbird, Cave Swallows, Etc. posted by Vince Lucas
we had up to 3 Cave Swallows (race undetermined) fly-over us among the many Tree Swallows present.
Ever Winter I have been seeing Cave Swallows in Everglades National Park and around the farm fields of Homestead. All of the ones that I have seen were the Mexican race. I have seen large flocks of them sometimes up to about 100 birds or more.
: As an aside, I note that the House Sparrows have completely taken over and pushed out all of the Purple Martins at the condos/houses at Robert's Is Here fruit stand west of Homestead. I've mentioned that this was happening to Robert in the past but he didn't seem to be too concerned even though he touts this locale to be the "Southernmost Purple Martin House in the USA" (which it isn't BTW).
There are still Purple Martins nesting at Robert is here, the best time to see them is early in the morning. The House Sparrows certainly have taken over many spaces in the houses. I live a couple of miles west and north of there, I go by there every day.
I have added a bad in flight photo of one of the Mexican race Cave Swallows from Homestead, look how pale the rump is.
Larry Manfredi
Homestead, FL
E-mail: birderlm@bellsouth.net
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