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Posted by Bruce P on 10:02:33 12/15/14
Unlike the November 'wash-out', the weather for this months' bird walk at Tall Cypress was ideal. It took a little while for the sun to pop out, but once it did, so did the birds!
We had 16 birders this month and the group recorded a total of 49 species. The highlights included great views of a male Summer Tanager, Great Horned Owl and a dark-morph Short-tailed Hawk. Rick Schofield and a couple of others were able to observe the ST Hawk 'stooping' for prey. The complete Ebird checklist is at the link below.
The next walk will be on Sunday, Jan. 11 at 7:30 AM. I hope you will join us (the Cedar Waxwings should be back in force).
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