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Posted by Alex Harper on 17:06:27 09/17/14
In Reply to: Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher- Long Key State Park posted by Alex Harper
Kerry Ross and I just got photos and videos of the bird about 225 feet down the Golden Orb Trail. When you enter LKSP, take the first left and park adjacent to the restrooms. Walk to the end of the parking lot and begin walking down the dirt path through a thick hammock with mangroves on your left. This is the Golden Orb Trail. After about 200 feet (or about 100 paces beginning at the parking lot), the bird was seen on the right side of the trail perched in a Gumbo Limbo about 40 away from the trail. Red-eyed Vireos, Acadian and Great-crested Flycatchers were also in the immediate vicinity, possibly loosely associating with the Sulphur-bellied. The bird sat silently motionlessly in the upper story.
It could possibly be seen at the parking lot as well. Rafael Galvez initially had the bird a bit farther down the trail this morning.
Alex Harper
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